by | Sep 19, 2016 | Competitions
Guess the Car Competition The next Mystery Car is here, Guess the full name of this Classic. 10 Winners will be drawn from all correct entries. Correct entries must contain full description (year, make, model etc) Last entry will be accepted midnight Wednesday the...
by | Sep 15, 2016 | Competitions
67 Shelby Mustang GT 500 Guess the Car Winners I think this famous movie car was way to easy to guess. Thanks to everyone who participated. She is probably best known as “Eleanor’ , her name in the movie “Gone in Sixty Seconds ” The 67 Shelby...
by | Sep 12, 2016 | Competitions
Guess the Car Competition Yip, Back by popular demand, The next Mystery Car is here, 10 Winners will be drawn from all correct entries. Correct entries must contain full description (year, make, model etc) Last entry will be accepted midnight Thursday the 15th of...
by | Sep 6, 2016 | Competitions
510 Datsun SSS Coupe. Facebook Guess the Car Winners Yesterday I Posted a drawing in progress of this little Hot-Rod from the early Seventies, and asked you Guys to guess what it was. Boy, was the response surprising ! Really didn’t know there where so many of...
by | Aug 17, 2016 | New Drawings
Introducing a new Drawing Style to Stefan’s Auto Art I will be adding a new style of Car Drawings to the website in the coming weeks. It will feature a more realistic and proportionate style of drawing than the very popular cartoon type drawings already...